Category: Aussie Native Bees

  • Featured in Powerful Pollinators Guide (SEQ) Edition

    In March this year (2023) I got an message from Dr. Rachelle Wilson asking if I am interested to share a bee photo for a project she’s working on. The project she was referring to was a planting guide to support bees and other pollinators in South East Queensland. I shared two photos and one…

  • Bee Kisses

    Yesterday I posted a photo of a Lipotriches bee buzz pollinating my tomatoes in the Bee Aware of Your Native Bees FB group. Dr Megan Halcroft used the photo and shared something very enlightening to the group. I have definitely seen those marks on the tomato and egg plant flowers before and now I know…

  • Spring Has Sprung

    I have a lot of flowering plants in the garden at the moment. The solitary bees are also back which means that they are probably nesting nearby. I haven’t photographed bees for about 2 months so feeling a little bit sluggish.

  • Presentation at ANBA April 2023 Meeting

    I had the opportunity to share a bit about bee photography at the Australia Native Bee Association (ANBA) Brisbane chapter meeting. It was really to meet other members, especially those who I only know by name from social media and various literature.